One of the most sought
after quail in North America is the Mearns quail. It
sometimes is confused with another popular quail also
sometimes called the Harlequin. The African
Harlequin is not the Mearns Harlequin. The African
Harlequin comes from South Africa while the Mearns
comes from the southern United States and Mexico.
The confusing factor is that the Mearns has many
names. It is called the Harlequin quail, Black quail,
Cincoreal quail, Codorniz Encinara, Codorniz Pinta,
crazy quail, Mearns quail, painted quail and many
Mearns are the most unusual of the New World
quail. They look like a committee put them together,
as they are out of proportion when compared to any
other quail. Their heads are extra large, and their
eyes are big and compelling when they give you their
famous 'melt your heart stare'.
Raising chicks: Most people have too much humidity
in their incubators when hatching Mearns quail. If
your hydrometer wet bulb is around 82 degrees F. this
will allow the chicks to remain smaller and seem to
be stronger when they hatch. Mearns chicks do not
know to eat by instinct. They must be taught. In the
wild, the parents catch and feed insects to the chicks
from their beaks. Several methods have been used
successfully to get the chicks to eat under captive
conditions. The most popular is to fed small
mealworms from tweezers to the chicks. (Never just
throw mealworms into the pen for the chicks to pick up
as the will begin to pick toes.) They soon learn that
the mealworms tastes pretty good and will get on your
hand for their food. Try anything that you can think
of to convince them to eat or else they will die.