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Mountain Quail (10608 bytes)The Mountain Quail

(Oreortyx pictus)

The following information is taken in part from an
excellent book on game birds
 titled, 'Upland Game Birds - Their Breeding and Care'.
 Order your copy today!

Probably one of the most striking of all the members of the quail family is the Mountain Quail.  It is by far the largest and has some of the most desirable characteristics of any quail kept in captivity.  The Mountain quail is also known as Codorniz de mountana, Mountain partridge, Painted quail, Plumed quail, and San Pedro quail.

An interesting thing about Mountain quail is the way the eggs hatch.  Eggs often hatch over a three day period which is unusual for any member of the quail family.   Usually these birds pop right out of the egg.  Another thing about Mountain quail is their reputation for not being regular producers.  This is certainly true in the wild and most breeders have found they have an "off year" with these birds.  

Adults , 10.6-11.5 inches long.  The sexes are very similar in appearance.   This relatively large western quail differs from all others in that both sexes have straight, narrow, and blackish crests composed of only two feathers, which appear with the juvenile plumage.  The throat is chestnut, edged with black, and this is separated from the slate gray on the back, wings, and tail.


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