That Quail Place Book Store
Locating quality quail and gamebird books can be
difficult these days, as most of these types of books are specialty items that can not be
found locally. The That Quail Place
Bookstore is your number one source for books about propagating quail, pheasant, chukars
and other gamebirds. With our association with, our Bookstore contains one of the most comprehensive lists of gamebird books
found anywhere on the internet. We are now able to offer you many of the all time best
classic titles at a discounted price along with the confidence that you are dealing with
an established, trustworthy retailer who offers top-notch customer service and ships books
The purpose of That Quail Place
Bookstore is to provide a useful
service to our readers. If you purchase a book through our bookstore,
pays us a 5 - 15% commission, depending on the book that you order. This money is used to
help offset the cost of providing this website. To save you the time of searching
through the 2.5 million books that stocks, we have selected a variety of books
in several categories that we thought would be of help and interest to you.
Our bookstore is as easy to use as 1-2-3.
All you have to do is click on a book title that you are interested in. If you would like
to order the book, just place it in your shopping cart and it will be added to
your order. You can order your books safely and securely online with your credit card. If
you do not want to submit your order online, you can call in or fax your credit card
number, or you can order by check or postal money order.
You do not pay any more by ordering through us than you would if you
ordered directly through Remember, in order for us to get credit for your
purchase, you must "click" on the book title on OUR SITE. All of the books
listed on our site have a computer tracking code that lets know where the order
came from. When you click on a book title to place an order, it will take you to the site. While there, you will be offered choices of other books of a similar
nature to the one you are ordering. DO NOT ORDER ANY BOOK FROM THIS AREA OTHER THAN THE
ONE YOU CLICKED ON FROM OUR SITE. Just because we have the same titles listed on our site
does not mean we will get credit for your purchase if you click on that same title on the site. You must come back to our site and "click" on the title or we
will not get credit for your purchase. Help support this site by ordering through us.
In addition to our specially selected books
provided by, we are providing information about other periodicals and magazines
published by individuals and publishers other than and That Quail Place.
It will be necessary to contact these individuals directly to acquire subscriptions and
copies of their materials.