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Wildlife Harvest
Gamebird Gazette

Address Info

American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society

published monthly except January an August.

ET Trader, Secretary

6220 Bullbeggar Rd
Withams, VA 23488

Visit the AWPS Website

apws.jpg (12011 bytes)American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society

The APWS magazine contains articles on all facets of bird breeding, on individual bird species, and news of interest written by APWS members, APWS directors, and other interested individuals.

The APWS magazine features the classified advertisements of the bird breeders around the world, the birds they have to sell, and those they want to purchase. They have breeders who advertise within the APWS magazine each month, plus the magazine has a Breeder's Directory containing many individuals' advertisements. There are many game bird and animal clubs advertising in the Support Your Local Club directory each month.

Within the magazine you will find advertisements with information regarding game birds, peafowl, miniature donkeys, incubators, hatchers, brooders, carrying and shipping containers, cage and pen materials, landscaping ponds, miscellaneous American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society (9404 bytes)supplies , assistance with your personal advertisements, and the list goes on. Take advantage of the many companies who advertise each month! Write, or call for their catalogs! You can take your time and do some comparative armchair shopping. The best advice we can give any member is read everything you can, listen and talk about all species of birds, contact other APWS members and directors, attend local club meetings, bird sales, bird shows, and conventions.

We encourage you to subscribe to this well written substantive magazine.

Subscription rates (includes membership to APWS):        One year - $25.00


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