266 pages. Hardback. B&W photos
and charts. Revised 1994.
The Incubation Book was the title of Dr.
Arthur Anderson Brown's original highly acclaimed book on this subject
which was reprinted four times. It has now been revised and updated
with many new photographs and an additional chapter by G.E.S. Robbins.
This book can be particularly recommended
to all who are interested in incubation whether it be for pheasant, quail
waterfowl, poultry, ratites or more unusually crocodiles.
The scientific approach of Dr. Anderson
Brown to his subject makes the book of great
value for College and University courses which include Zoology,
Embryology and Incubation. The practical aspects of Dr Anderson
Brown's researches resulted in an incubator with sophisticated electronic
control both of temperature and humidity which is now manufactured
commercially. His original ideas have now been developed further
both in the sophistication of the incubators made by the company he
co-founded and new techniques which make use of their sophistication and
The new chapter by G.E.S. Robbins describes
these techniques and brings this original Bible on incubation fully up to